Martin Vossiek

Martin Vossiek


Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Erlangen, Germany


  • 2013 - 2015, Transactions Past Associate Editors, MTT Transactions, Publications**
  • 2017 - 2018, Transactions Past Associate Editors, MTT Transactions, Publications**
  • 2019, Microwave Application Award, Past Awardees**
  • Chair, ICMIM ExCom, Meetings and Symposia Committee, Standing Committees**
  • ICMIM, MTT-S Financially-Owned Conferences (excl. IMS and RFIC), Meetings and Symposia Committee, Standing Committees**
  • Member, TC-29 MICROWAVE AEROSPACE SYSTEMS, Technical Committees**
  • Member, TC-27 CONNECTED AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Technical Committees**


Martin Vossiek (M’96–SM’05–F’16) Martin Vossiek was born in Dortmund, Germany, in 1964. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Ruhr-University Bochum, in 1991 and 1996. In 1996 he joined the microwave and surface acoustic wave research group of Siemens, Munich, Germany. From 2000 to 2003 he was heading the microwave systems group of Siemens Corporate Technology and he was responsible for product developments in the field of commercial microwave sensor and communication systems. In 2003 he joined Clausthal University of Technology as a professor and was director of the Institute of Electrical Information Technology. Since 2011 he is chairing the Institute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT) at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).

Mr. Vossiek has been engaged in research and development on microwave theory and techniques, radar systems, local position system, imaging and localization algorithms, wireless sensor systems and sensor networks and RFID. In these fields he has authored or co-authored more than 200 publications and his research led to around 90 granted patents. His research work was acknowledged by several international awards.

Martin Vossiek is a fellow of the IEEE and a member of the executive board of the IEEE German MTT/AP Chapter. He was the founding chair of the IEEE technical committee MTT-27 “Wireless-Enabled Automotive and Vehicular Applications”. Besides being active in this committee he is also a member of TC MTT-16. He is acting in the German Information Technology Society VDE/ITG in the High-Frequency Technology specialist divisions 7.2 “Radio Communication”, 7.3 “Microwave Technology” and 7.4 “Localization”. Mr. Vossiek did belong to the organization and technical program committees of various international conferences and workshops. Martin Vossiek was associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques from 2013-2015, he is a member of the editorial board of the journal Frequenz: Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications and he has served on the review boards of technical journals, including IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.


Wireless local positioning - basics, new trends and applications

Radio-based localization is currently a very vibrant scientific research field. An array of potential applications offering high value for customers, e. g., in logistics and automation, in robotics, autonomous driving or in context-aware IT services, push localization systems right to the forefront of wireless techniques. However, many technical challenges stand in the way of these beckoning developments. Typical applications happen inside buildings where exposure to substantial interference from multipath reflections is a key concern.  The presentation will start with a review of different measuring concepts and system topologies of wireless local positioning systems.  Distortions in wireless locating systems, their causes and solutions will be described. Many application examples will demonstrate the current status in indoor wireless locating and current research results will illustrate new techniques and trends.

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